My name is Leticia, but since I was a child everybody has called me Tish. I much prefer that name so that's what I go by. I am 23 years old and I live in Kansas. I'm married with one son named Isaac. You will see the little monster a lot around this blog, and also a lot about my family and friends.
I'll start out by saying that I'm no web designer, but I guess you could say I used to be. I started out around the age of 11 or 12 by designing my own web pages. I used to have a bunch of Geocities web pages. I started out with their basic builder, but just wasn't satisfied with the way my pages were looking. I'm an extremely picky person. Anyway, so I learned to code HTML, that really confusing bunch of symbols and letters that makes web pages work. I didn't get much farther than learning semi-advanced HTML like tables and stuff, and very very basic CSS - that was really all I needed to make my sites do what I wanted them to do. I really wanted to learn flash and Java but I didn't have the programs necessary to do that, and my parents didn't think it was necessary to buy a 13-year-old girl programs that most 18-year-old college students didn't even have. ;) Around the age of 16 I kind of grew out of that whole phase of my life, although I still occasionally did it on the weekends. Mostly I was focused on school and hanging out with my friends.
At about the age of 12 I had discovered scrapbooking. My mom had really urged me into the hobby - she was really into QVC in those days and they had started putting scrapbooking programs on. I took a little interest in it because I had a ton of pictures and articles just sitting in albums. She bought me a kit by K&Company and when it arrived I just stared at it thinking "What am I supposed to be doing?" lol. Basically my paper scrapbooking pages started out as a whole bunch of pictures just stuck on the paper with glue, and randomly placed stickers all over the page. Big fan of sticker-sneeze here - at least back then. Today, not so much. :) I scrapbooked here and there until I was about 18 years old, it wasn't a huge hobby of mine but I was interested in creating those beautiful pages I used to see. After I turned 18 I moved out of my house and in with some friends, and I just kind of stopped. When I turned 19 I met my soon-to-be-husband and I moved in with a different friend, her boyfriend, and him, and my friend and I were both scrapbookers and had an extra room so voila! We built a scrapbooking room. After my husband and I moved out of that house and got married, I found out I was pregnant and my scrapbooking went on to a totally different level.
After my son was born, I was finding it harder and harder to do scrapbooking the traditional way. I didn't always have space in where ever I was living at the time to set up a desk, let alone a whole room. I was just getting a growing amount of supplies and it was just taking over my entire dining room. Around 2008 I discovered digital scrapbooking while surfing the net for paper scrapbooking supplies. I had heard about it but really thought it wasn't something I would be interested in. I liked the feel of paper and scissors and glue too much to even consider switching. But I decided I wanted to at least give it a try, so I joined a store creative team. It meant free digital scrapbooking supplies - and at that point, that was a very good thing because I was as broke as a joke!
In the very beginning of 2009 I went through not only a move but a major computer crash. Everything was literally gone. Luckily, those were the days that I didn't have much computer space and I had to store everything on CDs just to have enough room to work on anything. It wasn't until about March that I finally got my computer back and was able to get back to digital scrapbooking. By then, I had realized that digital scrapbooking was actually much more fun and much easier than traditional scrapbooking. That's about the time that my traditional scrapbooking went out the window. In April I joined another creative team, thinking that now I would be doing much more digital scrapbooking. I quickly became a big fan of the digital scrapbooking community after that.
It's now one year later and I'm as hooked on digital scrapbooking as I was on paper scrapbooking back in 2008. I don't honestly think I could pick up another pair of scissors and paper and be able to do the same work with it. I still once in a very blue moon do a mini album or paper project, but it's very rare. You can find more about my scrapbooking and view my layouts by going to the Scrapbooking page or under the Scrapping section in the sidebar.
In April 2009 I began the journey into digital scrapbook design. As a designer, I create kits that scrapbookers can purchase and download for use in their own scrapbooks. I absolutely love it! It fosters my creative nature and allows me to create something totally different from what's out there. It's not a career that I make myself rich off of, but I really enjoy what I do. To find out more about my digital designing, you can see my blog here:
I have many more hobbies than just scrapbooking and designing. I'm an aspiring photographer. I've loved photography since I began scrapbooking - the two pretty much go hand-in-hand now, with scrapbooking being such a popular hobby. In 2010 I bought a Canon EOS Rebel XSi package, and I'm gradually learning my way through it. To read more about my photography, go to the Photography page or under the Photos section in the sidebar.
I'm also a jewelry designer. I just started this hobby back in October of 2009, and with all my other projects I don't have much time to devote to it, but one day I hope to improve enough that I can open my own Etsy shop full of handmade jewelry. To learn more about my jewelry designing, go to the Jewelry-Making page or read under the Jewelry section in the sidebar.
That's pretty much the book of my life. Over time you will notice a lot of changes in me on my blog as I evolve as a person. This fall I will be attending the local community college to earn my Associates degree in Graphic Design. You will probably watch my son grow and hopefully my whole family. I can't wait for the changes!
I hope you've enjoyed learning a bit about me - be sure to check out all the other fun things on my blog!
In April 2009 I began the journey into digital scrapbook design. As a designer, I create kits that scrapbookers can purchase and download for use in their own scrapbooks. I absolutely love it! It fosters my creative nature and allows me to create something totally different from what's out there. It's not a career that I make myself rich off of, but I really enjoy what I do. To find out more about my digital designing, you can see my blog here:
I have many more hobbies than just scrapbooking and designing. I'm an aspiring photographer. I've loved photography since I began scrapbooking - the two pretty much go hand-in-hand now, with scrapbooking being such a popular hobby. In 2010 I bought a Canon EOS Rebel XSi package, and I'm gradually learning my way through it. To read more about my photography, go to the Photography page or under the Photos section in the sidebar.
I'm also a jewelry designer. I just started this hobby back in October of 2009, and with all my other projects I don't have much time to devote to it, but one day I hope to improve enough that I can open my own Etsy shop full of handmade jewelry. To learn more about my jewelry designing, go to the Jewelry-Making page or read under the Jewelry section in the sidebar.
That's pretty much the book of my life. Over time you will notice a lot of changes in me on my blog as I evolve as a person. This fall I will be attending the local community college to earn my Associates degree in Graphic Design. You will probably watch my son grow and hopefully my whole family. I can't wait for the changes!
I hope you've enjoyed learning a bit about me - be sure to check out all the other fun things on my blog!